I would like to get a Vuetify material design color as a hexadecimal value in my Vue component's template so I can do something like this below to get, say, the string #FFD54F
<div :style="`border: 5px solid ${ myHexadecimalColor('amber lighten-2') }`">
I read the Vuetify docs' SASS Variables and Colors sections, but I could not determine a solution from this.
I can see the colors defined in Vuetify's github repo @ vuetify/packages/vuetify/src/styles/settings/_colors.scss
, but I can't figure out how to get access to these Sass variables in my Vue single file component.
Does anyone know the best way to translate a Vuetify material design color name into its hexadecimal values?
Bonus - Vuetify 2 name-to-hexidecimal function
Based on Boussadjra Brahim's answer, I wrote a quick color-name-to-hexadecimal method to put in a Vue mixin, and included it below in case it is helpful to anyone.
Example: hexColor('amber lighten-2')
returns #FFD54F
import colors from 'vuetify/lib/util/colors'
methods: {
hexColor: (name) => {
const [nameFamily, nameModifier] = name.split(' ')
const shades = ['black', 'white', 'transparent']
const util = {family: null, modifier: null}
if (shades.find(shade => shade === nameFamily)){
util.family = 'shades'
util.modifier = nameFamily
} else {
const [firstWord, secondWord] = nameFamily.split('-')
util.family = `${ firstWord }${ secondWord
? secondWord.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + secondWord.slice(1)
: '' }`
util.modifier = nameModifier
? nameModifier.replace('-', '')
: 'base'
return colors[util.family][util.modifier]
Update - Vuetify 3 name-to-hexidecimal function
Here's a version of hexColor()
for Vuetify 3. This is necessary because color names have changed from e.g. blue lighten-2
to blue-lighten-2
import colors from 'vuetify/lib/util/colors'
hexColor: (name) => {
const baseColors = ['red','pink','purple','deep-purple','indigo','blue','light-blue','cyan','teal','green','light-green','lime','yellow','amber','orange','deep-orange','brown','blue-grey','grey']
const shades = ['black', 'white', 'transparent']
const match = [...baseColors,...shades].find(c => name.startsWith(c)) || null
const remainder = match
? name.slice(match.length)
: null
const base = match.replace(/[-_](.)/g, (_, char) => char.toUpperCase());
const variety = remainder
? remainder.replaceAll('-','')
: 'base'
const nameStructured = shades.find(shade => match === shade)
? { base:'shades', variety:base}
: { base:base, variety:variety}
return colors[nameStructured.base][nameStructured.variety]
Import the colors into your component then access the color with it modifier like :
import colors from 'vuetify/lib/util/colors'
<div :style="`border: 5px solid ${ colors['amber']['lighten2'] }`"></div>