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jquery function on click event in odoo is not working

i am trying bellow jquery code to perform some dynamic changes to my front view to make the odoo switch toggle to behave like radio it could be selected one at a time like radio button

Note: console.log("test") is working but the code with css selector is not working

please guide me how i run my script to work it fine

            alert("you click me!");
<script src=""></script>

         <td class="question_id" style="width:70%">Q1.  t-shirt coler 
            <td class="question_id" style="width:50%">$ 120.00</td>
            <td><label class="switch">
            input class="wk_checked_question" data-id="2" type="checkbox">
            <span class="check_box round"></span>
        <td class="question_id" style="width:70%">Q2.  t-shirt size</td>
        <td class="question_id" style="width:50%"> Free</td>
          <label class="switch">
           <input class="wk_checked_question" data-id="1" type="checkbox">
           <span class="check_box round"></span>


  • Maybe this is what you are looking for:

          this.checked=true; // a "real" radio button cannot be unchecked ...
    <script src=""></script>
    <table style="width:500px">
          <td class="question_id" style="width:70%">Q1.  t-shirt color size</td>
          <td class="question_id" style="width:50%">$ 120.00</td>
          <td><label class="switch"><input class="wk_checked_question" data-id="2" type="checkbox">
             <span class="check_box round"></span></label></td>
         <td class="question_id" style="width:70%">Q2.  t-shirt size</td>
         <td class="question_id" style="width:50%"> Free</td>
           <label class="switch">
            <input class="wk_checked_question" data-id="1" type="checkbox">
            <span class="check_box round"></span></label></td>

    After a click on a checkbox the .each() loop goes over all checkboxes with the same class and sets only the one being identical to the clicked ono (this). All others are unchecked.

    I used "delegated event attachment" with jQuery.on() as suggested in @freedomn-m's comment. This has the advantage that it will work on target elements (.wk_checked_question) that don't even exist at the time of the event attachment.

    Your HTML was also missing the <table> tags around your <tbody> which I added.


    Coming back to this answer I realized that I could simplify the script even further and allow for an option to be unselected again by using this:

     let newstate=this.checked;