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C# Using VLC Wrapper to stream from IP Camera

I am trying to construct a user interface to capture video from an IP Camera (Specifically an Onvif Device). I have constructed appropriate clients and binding elements. I am able to get the URI setup. I cannot however figure out how to use the VLC Wrapper to stream the video. I've imported the references/libraries using Nuget. I am able to add the VLC Active X plugin object to the windows forms.

Past this I am struggling to figure out how to set up. I know i need to set up a call to the player and past it my constructed Uri (with the port, host, and scheme), and username and password.

I'm not sure which steps to take next.


  • The ActiveX control is deprecated. You should be using a .NET binding like LibVLCSharp.

    The README will guide you through the steps of creating your first app.

    Basic steps are:

    • Install LibVLC through nuget
    • Install LibVLCSharp through NuGet
    • Call Core.Initialize()
    • Create your VideoView and your MediaPlayer