I've been messing around with time.h
and have come across the following strangeness.
time_t t;
struct tm loc, utc;
t = -11676066452; /* This time is mostly arbitrary. */
loc = *localtime(&t);
utc = *gmtime(&t);
printf("localtime: %s", asctime(&loc));
printf("gmtime: %s", asctime(&utc));
The output is
localtime: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1600
gmtime: Sat Jan 1 08:12:28 1600
So, apparently, the local absolute offset from UTC at that time is 8 hours, 12 minutes, and 28 seconds. The chosen date is well before timezones were even established, so how is localtime
determining this offset?
My timezone is America/Vancouver (Pacific Daylight Time, or a UTC offset of -7 hours, currently) and I am using glibc 2.27.
You are simply observing the offset for the LMT (Local Mean Time) entry for America/Vancouver
from the IANA TZ Database.
Zone America/Vancouver -8:12:28 - LMT 1884
-8:00 Vanc P%sT 1987
-8:00 Canada P%sT
Source here: https://github.com/eggert/tz/blob/2020a/northamerica#L2134
You can read more about LMT (and lots more) in the theory
file in the tz database.