My browser timezone is america/toronto and the chart I want to plot is for America/chicago I tried two options, and both are not perfect solution
by using intlJ library I can convert dateAxis label to target timezone
chart.dateFormatter.dateFormat = {
"year": "numeric",
"month": "numeric",
"day": "numeric",
"hour": "numeric",
"minute": "numeric",
"timeZone": "America/chicago "
with this solution date Axis showing correct date time for non-local timezone(target timezone) but if target timezone have an hour difference, I am getting
xAxis label 11:00 -----5:00------11:00
instead of
xAxis label 12:00 -----6:00------12:00
because Toronto 12AM = Chicago 11 AM and not look visibly good
If I use offset setting
chart.dateFormatter.utc = false;
chart.dateFormatter.inputDateFormat = "i";
dateAxis.timezoneOffset = 360; (offset can not be static for all timezone)
I can correctly plot America/chicago chart. (only from NOV to FEB when UTC-6 offset=360), otherwise for MARCH to OCT, i have to change offset to 300. because of day light saving chagne the offset
what is the solution which can resolve both issues?
we have also the same issue and amchart is providing support for this in next release this was the response from amchart team:
Good news we decided to implement timezone setting for DateAxis which should fix the issues you are having.
We will release new version at some point next week.
I will let you know when it is available.
Thanks for hanging in.
Yours sincerely,
Martynas Majeris amCharts