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Jenkins Job DSL plugin: How do I create a nested view? Example doesn't work for me

I'm in the midst of generating all our views using the Job DSL plugin.

The list views were created without a problem, but now I'm having troubles replacing my nested views.

If I copy & paste the example from , I get the following error:

ERROR: (ViewsGenerator.groovy, line 23) No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (foobar.jenkins.views.generator.ViewsGenerator$_run_closure1$_closure5) values: [foobar.jenkins.views.generator.ViewsGenerator$_run_closure1$_closure5@4e414e59]
Possible solutions: tail(), wait(), name(), max(), last(), any()

Line 23 is

  views {

If I just use

nestedView('ZZZ_project-a') {

then Jenkins generates the nested view with that name, but of course it's empty!

I must be doing something very basic in a wrong way :-) but I can't figure it out! Any ideas?

I now tried using the given example directly in a Job DSL generator job (Use the provided DSL script), and that works!

What is the difference between my Groovy script and the one in the textbox?


  • Ok, after a lot of banging my head on the table :-) I finally found the solution.

    As usual, the problem is with my software :-)

    I have a helper class called Views which reads some XML etc. etc. And there's a method called getViews() in there. For convenience, I usually import such helper classes with

     import static Views.*

    So, within the Job DSL's nestedView there are views, and apparently Groovy got confused about what views to use, the ones from the Job DSL or my getViews().

    I renamed that method to getAllViews(), and the problem was solved.

    But getting there (I'm by no means a Groovy expert) was a pretty hard experience, since the error message was very cryptic to me.