I am studying to use Apache Mahout, and get the following message after running one of its example:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.InvalidInputException: Input path does not exist: file:/home/user1/workspace/LDAAnalysis/output/data
In fact, the directory of */output/data
was found to be created there after running. I don't understand what does this error message tell us?
The first big question is, "what example"? Some are going to work locally, some won't. I assume it's LDA-related, but would be very helpful to say. Or print more of the stack trace.
It is not merely a question of writing the path correctly. You have to have the right destination set up. From your comment I am not sure if you have Hadoop set up or not or whether HDFS if running or where you've put your input.