I have a simple Pointer.c file:
// Pointer To Constant
const int* ptrToConst ;
//Constant Pointer
int* const ConstPtr ;
When I parse it through Eclipse CDT:
File f = new File("C:/Data/Pointer.c");
IASTTranslationUnit ast = ASTProvider.getInstance().getASTWithoutCache(f);
for (IASTDeclaration d : ast.getDeclarations()) {
IASTSimpleDeclaration sd = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) d;
System.out.println("Variable Name: " + sd.getDeclarators()[0].getName());
System.out.println("Is Constant: " + sd.getDeclSpecifier().isConst() + "\n");
The output is:
Variable Name: ptrToConst
Is Constant: true
Variable Name: ConstPtr
Is Constant: false
As per the output, the first variable which is pointer to constant is parsed as constant while the other one, a constant pointer is not. I don't understand this behavior, why is it so? Does CDT understand the pointer variables differently? As per my understanding the output should be the exactly reverse of it.
Check the variable d detail for 2nd case at the time of debugging:
Since (see this answer)
const int* ptrToConst
declares a pointer (that can be modified) to a constant integer andint* const ConstPtr
declares a contant pointer to an integer (that can be modified),in the second case sd.getDeclSpecifier().isConst()
returns false
So in the second case, the const
modifier can be found deeper in the abstract syntax tree at the pointer operators instead (as you have found out yourself).