I'm trying to access the drill down values for a summary search using SuiteScript.
For example I have a transaction search that is set to group on the customer's name. In the UI when I click the name column hyperlink in the summary search it takes me to the filtered results of that specific customer's transactions. I would like to access these filtered values in my script.
Is there a way to do this other than create a new search for each customer in the summary search "each" loop (which has governance issues)?
My backup solution is to not use a summary search and create my own summarized objects in my script but I like to use native NetSuite functionality wherever possible.
I'm guessing it's not possible because I can find no documentation on it and the search in the UI seems to be creating a new search on the fly for the drill down. But I thought I'd ask it here to exhaust all my options and to help anyone in the future that might be looking for this answer.
You cannot drill down on search results using a script.
There are a couple of ways to get where you want to be though
Simplest might be:
and return the search object. Netsuite will then run the search for you.map()
group the results by customerreduce()
use the grouped results like they were the drill down details