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Make the entire row to be clicked instead of cell react-table v7

I have a table that uses react-table v7. One of the features I included is making a cell clickable and redirect to a specific link. I want to make the whole row clickable instead of the cell, but should redirect to the same link as it did when clicking on the cell. How can I achieve that?

Below is my implementation of the click in the columns. Thanks.

const columns = useMemo(

      () => [
          Header: 'Task Name',
          accessor: 'name',
          Cell:e =><Link to={`${e.value}/runs`}>{e.value}</Link>,**//clickable cell**
          disableSortBy: true,
          disableFilters : true,
          Filter: SelectColumnFilter,
          filter: 'equals',
          Header: 'Square',
          accessor: d => `${} ${d.function}`,
          disableSortBy: true,
          disableFilters : true,
          Header: 'Schedule',
          accessor: 'schedules',
          disableSortBy: true,
          disableFilters : true,
          Header: 'Runs',
          accessor: 'rundata.count',
          disableSortBy: true,
          disableFilters : true,
          Filter: SelectColumnFilter,
          filter: 'equals',
          Header: 'Last Run At',
          accessor: 'rundata.results[0].end_date',
          disableSortBy: true,
          disableFilters : true,
          Filter: SelectColumnFilter,
          filter: 'equals',

         <TableContainer columns={columns} data={runs} />


  • In your TableContainer definition, you will be outputting rows (tr or TableRow just after the prepareRow call)

    Add a onclick to that row.


    <tr onClick={((e) => doSomething(e)} />