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Table Sorting with react-table-v6

I am trying to apply the sorting method to one of the columns in my table. That column is having numerical values and empty values ("--"). I would like to sort the values in ascending and descending manner. And I want all the empty values should go to the bottom of the table in both sorting types.

Could anyone please suggest a custom sorting function to use with react-table-6?

Thank You...


  • It's crazy that you asked this because I just finished working on this exact problem with the exact same requirements -- lucky you!

    This is in TypeScript, but you can remove the types if you want.

    The columns:

      const columns: Column[] = useMemo(
        () => [
            Header: 'Rank',
            accessor: 'rank',
            sortType: rankSort, // This is the rankSort() function below
            maxWidth: 10,

    This is the ranking function:

    const getRankValueString = (value: number, desc?: boolean): string => {
      let stringValue = value.toString();
      if (stringValue === '--') {
        if (desc) {
          stringValue = '-9999999';
        } else {
          stringValue = '9999999';
        return stringValue;
      for (let i = stringValue.length; i < 6; i++) {
        stringValue = `0${stringValue}`;
      return stringValue;
    const rankSort = (
      rowA: Row,
      rowB: Row,
      columnId: string,
      desc?: boolean
    ): number => {
      return getRankValueString(rowA.values[columnId], desc).localeCompare(
        getRankValueString(rowB.values[columnId], desc)

    It's a bit hacky, but it sorts values up to 6 digits. I'm open to optimizations.