I executed the following code (extracted from a real use case), and expected to get "Fake 2 a b":
(defn real-func
([a] (real-func a "S"))
([a b] (real-func a b "S"))
([a b c] (println "Real " a b c)))
(defn fake-func
([a b] (println "Fake 2" a b)))
(deftest blah-test
(testing "blah blah"
(with-redefs [real-func fake-func] (real-func "a" "b"))))
But instead I get an error:
#object[TypeError TypeError: videra_web.effects.graphql_test.real_func.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 is not a function]
Oddly, if I add another arity (any arity) to fake-func
it works: e.g.
(defn fake-func
([a b] (println "Fake 2" a b))
([a b c d e] (println "Fake 5" a b c d e))
Does this seem like a bug, or is there a language feature I don't understand?
You might be running the code compiled with :static-fns true
which prevents such things from working.
This defaults to true in shadow-cljs
so if you are using that set :compiler-options {:static-fns false}
in your build config.