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How can i make text glow on mouseover of another element (Without text-shadow)

Say for example I have the following code:


            <span class="title">Home</span>
            <span class="description">My House</span>
            <span class="title">About</span>
            <span class="description">Foo</span>

How can i make ONLY the title class glow, as in an outer glow effect when the li element is hovered over.

I found this plugin:, but i cant figure out how to make it work to my needs. EDIT: It isn't really what i'm looking for as it relies on text-shadow.

I wanted this to work in ie7+ therefore i can't really use text shadow.<


  • The bit of that code (the link you posted) that you're interested in is this:

            color: TO_GLOW_TEXT_COLOR,
            textShadow: {
              begin: true,
              color: TO_GLOW_HALO_COLOR,
              radius: GLOW_RADIUS
          }, DURATION);

    That makes the text glow. (change the uppercase bits). And this makes it fade again:

            color: ORIGINAL_COLOR,
            textShadow: {
              begin: false,
              color: TO_GLOW_HALO_COLOR,
              radius: GLOW_RADIUS
          }, DURATION);

    So you can just do a normal hover() on those links now you know the secret: (this will test for a hover on the a element and ONLY glow the span.title element).

    $('ul li a').hover(function(){
        $(this).find('span.title').animate({.....}); // fade in
        $(this).find('span.title').animate({.....}); // fade out

    The problem - all its doing is setting the textShadow using jquery instead of CSS, so therefore this won't work in IE7 if textShadow doesn't work.

    PS: the link you posted doesnt work in firefox either - unless my firefox is broken.