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How show error in Quasar Stepper when required field is empty

I work with Quasar framwork. I create a stepper and in each step I've several field. Some are required like this:

 <q-stepper dense v-model="step" ref="stepper" color="primary" animated header-nav>\
            <q-step dense :name="1" title="Infos générales" icon="settings" :done="step > 1"  :error="step < 3">
                <q-card-section class="q-pt-none">
                    <div class="q-col-gutter-x-md">
                        <q-input class="full-width" dense v-model="infos.motif" label="Raison *" hint="Détaillez la raison. * Champs requis" :rules="Required"></q-input>
                </q-card-section >
            <q-step dense :name="2" title="Mise en copie" icon="assignment" :done="step > 2" >
                <q-card-section class="q-pt-none" >
                    <div  class="row items-start content-start" >
                        <div class="text-subtitle2">A la demande</div>
                        <selectusers v-bind:users="users" v-bind:model.sync="infos.copiedemande"></selectusers>
                     </div >\
                </q-card-section >
            <template v-slot:navigation>
                <q-stepper-navigation >
                    <q-btn v-if="step > 1" flat color="primary" @click="$refs.stepper.previous()" label="Retour"  />
                    <q-btn @click="$" color="primary" :label="step === 2 ? \'Fini\' : \'Continuer\'" class="float-right"/>
                </q-stepper-navigation >\
            </template >\

Required is a computed : Required() { return [(v) => !!v || 'Saisissez quelque chose :-)'] }, I want when i change step my first step display error if I don't fill my infos.motif field

I don't find how link :error from step to rules from field Thanks for your guidance

UPDATE1 I Add a form with ref in my 1st page.

<q-stepper dense v-model="step" ref="stepper" color="primary" animated header-nav>
            <q-step dense :name="1" ref="step1" title="Infos générales" icon="settings" :done="step > 1"  :error="checkform1()">
                 <q-form ref="myForm1">

Where checkform1 is a method

 checkform1() { return this.$refs.stepper ? this.$refs.stepper.$refs.step1.$refs.myForm1.validate() : true; }

But I can't access to my form. When I has this.$refs.stepper, the $ref is empty... UPDATE2 I create a sample on codepen here


  • I make a big step... The idea is to pass by a data and on before-transtion call my checkform function

    <div id="q-app">
        title="Select campaign settings"
      > <q-form ref="myForm" class="q-gutter-md" >
           :rules="[val => !!val || 'First name is required']"        
          <q-btn @click="() => { done1 = true; step = 2 }" color="primary" label="Continue"></q-btn>
        title="Create an ad group"
        An ad group contains one or more ads which target a shared set of keywords.
          <q-btn @click="() => { done2 = true; step = 3 }" color="primary" label="Continue"></q-btn>
          <q-btn flat @click="step = 1" color="primary" label="Back" class="q-ml-sm"></q-btn>
        title="Create an ad"
          <q-btn color="primary" @click="done3 = true" label="Finish"></q-btn>
          <q-btn flat @click="step = 2" color="primary" label="Back" class="q-ml-sm"></q-btn>

    and js

    new Vue({
    el: '#q-app',
    data () {
    return {
      step: 1,
      done1: false,
      done2: false,
      done3: false,
       firstName: '',
    methods: {
    reset () {
      this.done1 = false
      this.done2 = false
      this.done3 = false
      this.step = 1
      this.firstName= ''
    checkform1() {
     if (this.$refs.myForm) {
        this.$refs.myForm.validate().then(success => {
          if (success) {
            this.stateform1= false;
          else {
           this.stateform1= true;
    } //this.step<3; 

    like here

    But stay another problem. When I'm on specific step, the other form don't exist... and if I pass step1 tp step 3... i can't check step2 like u can see enter link description here

    Finally I found another way. I keep my :error="stateform1" but I check in addition in server side and if I've a missing field I return the name of my step and change the variable when I was a error in return