Request in JSR223 Sampler works correctly, but here are Sampler result and Response data with 0 and empty values:
Metrics in Sample result in red rectangle are equal to 0. No response data (both headers and body) are available to see.
Is it possible to get somehow real numbers instead of 0 0 0 0 0 0 for metrics in Sampler result tab and to have visible response in Response data tab?
As per reference documentation, you can call those methods:
SampleResult.setResponseData(driver.getPageSource(), "UTF-8");
You can use SampleResult javadocs to see all method or subclasses or custom class of yours.
Note SampleResult is a variable name that JMeter binds into element, not the class, so:
Edit (after you added your JSR223 Sampler code):
To fill latency and connect time, use:
As you can get values from Webdriver#executeScript() using such code that exploits Timing API:
long pageLoadTime= (Long)js1.executeScript("return (window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd-window.performance.timing.responseStart)");
long latency= (Long)js1.executeScript("return (window.performance.timing.responseStart-window.performance.timing.navigationStart)");
long endtoEndRespTime= (Long)js1.executeScript("return (window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd-window.performance.timing.navigationStart)");
long connectTime= (Long)js1.executeScript("return (window.performance.timing.connectEnd -window.performance.timing.connectStart)");