I'm trying to turn a div in to a link but I have link_to tags within my block and this doesn't work. The block stops at the calling of next link_to.
Having looked around for answers I see this is not the right way at all.
<%= link_to tweet_path(tweet.id) do %>
<div class="tweet-link">
blah blah
<% link_to.... %>
blah blah
<% link_to.... %>
<% end %>
What is the best work around for this problem to get the nested links working as well as my div link? Suggestions? jQuery maybe? ty
It is possible, but not recommmended. Browsers wouldn't know how to read that. It's not a specific rails problem, even if you did it with plain html <a>
tags it would lead to unpredictable behaviour.
See here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9883044/9595653
But also here https://css-tricks.com/nested-links/