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C# Exporting selected DataGridViewCheckBoxCell

I'm trying to export only the selected checkbox items on a datagridview. The current code I have works, but the problem is it exports everything, I'm able see the True/False values in the exported csv file but for the life of me I can't figure out how to export only the true values and not everything. Example code is listed below.

private void GetCellData()
        string data = "";
        string userDesktop = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
        TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(userDesktop + "\\" + "export.csv");

        // Count each row in the datagrid
        for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++)

            if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["Selection_Box"].Value != null &&
                foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells)
                    data += (cell.Value + ",");
                data += "\n";
        tw.WriteLine(data, "data");

The checkbox on the datagrid "Selection_Box" is a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn. ExampleExport is just linked to a button called "Export". When the user selects a checkbox in the datagrid and clicks "Export" a .csv file is dumped to the desktop with values similar to those listed below.

True,3,1,Piping,Manual,RTD,2,45 Ax,
True,4,1,Piping,Manual,RTD,2,60 Ax,
True,5,1,Piping,Manual,RTD,1.5,45 C,
False,6,1,Piping,Manual,RTD,2,45 Ax,
False,8,1,Piping,Manual,RTD,1.5,45 C,
False,29,1,Piping,Manual,RTD,2,45 C,

EDIT: Thanks for pointing me in the right direction it's very much appreciated. I ended up tweaking the if statement to:

if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["Selection_Box"].Value != null &&

It's now dumping the selected values.


  • You should check for the values in the CheckBox column, something like

    if((bool) row.Cells["Column7"] as DataGridViewCheckBoxCell).FormattedValue)

    Only if true then you append the values of the row