Is it possible to run Magento's product alerts more than once per day? I'm running v1.4.0.1 and the frequency options found in System>Config>Catalog>Product Alerts Run Settings only goes down to Daily.
I would like to run it hourly if possible?
Anyone able to tell me how I can do this please?
I would suggest that you start looking at his source model ... Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Source_Cron_Frequency
.... in there you can see those 3 constants ... you would have rewrite it and add another constant say const CRON_HOURLY = 'H';
and than you would have to rewrite/modify the following Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Backend_Product_Alert_Cron
to build the cron expression accordingly :)
Altough I have never done this exact thing myself I think this puts you on the right track
HTH :)