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How to use strftime() function in sqlite for extracting Year where datetime is in a different format than what would normally work

While learning SQL in my course, I have used the function YEAR(Start_Time) AS Year

Start_Time is a column header. The date time example is in this format: 26/12/2017 09:00:00 YEAR() function works in SQL.

However, when I went on SQLite (on DB Browser), the function is not working. I used the strftime('%Y', 'Start_Time'). I understand that strftime goes from left to right. Does anyone know what would be the equivalent function to YEAR() in sqlite with the date time format given above?


YEAR(Start_Time) AS Year



In sqlite:



function not recognized

strftime('%Y', 'Start_time')


function not recognized


  • SQlite is pretty different than other RDBMS : It doesn't have a date/time type. You can only store dates as numbers or text.

    The function strftime() is able to extract date/time info from a date stored in a text column, but it only works if you respect the ISO8601 notation: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS , which is not the case with your date.

    If you want to extract the Year from it using strftime() , then you need to convert your date first

    For your case, if you convert only the date part and not the time part, that works too.

    Lets go:

    SELECT  Start_Time, 
            (substr(Start_Time,7,4) || '-' || substr(Start_Time,4,2) || '-' || substr(Start_Time,1,2)) as dateconverted,
            strftime('%Y', (substr(Start_Time,7,4) || '-' || substr(Start_Time,4,2) || '-' || substr(Start_Time,1,2)) ) as year
    FROM test;


    Start_Time              dateconverted     year
    26/12/2017 09:00:00     2017-12-26        2017

    If you want to avoid this mess, you just have to store your dates/times in the right format from the start, there's no other workaround.