I used this query , to receive posts with his category and tags.
FROM wp_posts p
JOIN wp_term_relationships cr
on (p.`id`=cr.`object_id`)
JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ct
on (ct.`term_taxonomy_id`=cr.`term_taxonomy_id`
and ct.`taxonomy`='category')
JOIN wp_terms c on
JOIN wp_term_relationships tr
on (p.`id`=tr.`object_id`)
JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt
on (tt.`term_taxonomy_id`=tr.`term_taxonomy_id`
and tt.`taxonomy`='post_tag')
JOIN wp_terms t
on (tt.`term_id`=t.`term_id`)
It is from Wordpress SQL: get post category and tags
But i have a problem, the query ignores posts without tags. I tried many other queries but no SUCSSES. Can someone help me?
You are very close to a good solution to your problem.
Another answerer mentioned this: Use LEFT JOIN
. Why? Ordinary inner JOIN
suppresses rows from the first table that don't match rows from the second table.
Your code also shows signs of misusing MySQL's notorious extension to GROUP BY. If you say
SELECT id, name, value
FROM tbl
GROUP BY id, name
you're actually saying
SELECT id, name, ANY_VALUE(value)
FROM tbl
GROUP BY id, name
In other words, the server picks whatever value
it wants from within the group. You should use predictable aggregate result like MAX(value)
or GROUP_CONCAT(value)
. Version 8 of MySQL and other makes and models of SQL table server reject the syntax you use.
Pro tip for the sake of your sanity don't use the backticks around table or column names unless they are reserved words in SQL. And, Pro tip, don't use reserved words for table or column names.
Use this query instead.
GROUP_CONCAT(c.name ORDER BY c.name) categories,
GROUP_CONCAT(t.name ORDER BY t.name) tags
FROM wp_posts p
LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships cr
on (p.id=cr.object_id)
LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ct
on (ct.term_taxonomy_id=cr.term_taxonomy_id
and ct.taxonomy='category')
LEFT JOIN wp_terms c on
LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships tr
on (p.id=tr.object_id)
LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt
on (tt.term_taxonomy_id=tr.term_taxonomy_id
and tt.taxonomy='post_tag')
LEFT JOIN wp_terms t
on (tt.term_id=t.term_id)
GROUP BY p.id, p.post_name