function issuetype(agent) {
//let i = 0;
console.log('inside issuetype');
return admin.database().ref('Support/issuetype').once('value', function(snapshot) {
var data = snapshot.val();
var array = Object.values(data);
console.log('Issues are');
agent.add(`Select your issue `); //works fine
for(const val of array){
agent.add(new Suggestion(`${val}`));
function subtype(agent) {
let data;
let value;
let id;
console.log('inside subtype');
let harry = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
admin.database().ref('Support/issuetype').once('value', function(snapshot) {
value = agent.parameters.sub;
console.log('inside promise');
data = snapshot.val();
id = Object.keys(data).find(key => data[key] === value);
console.log('Matched id');
resolve(id);strong text
reject('not resolved');
console.log('Type of id:'+typeof(res));
console.log('id is:'+res);
agent.add(`Select your sub issue ret`);
admin.database().ref('Support/issuesubtype/'+res).once('value', function(snap) {
var snapdata = snap.val();
var values = Object.values(snapdata);
console.log('SubIssues are'); // displayed in console
agent.add(`Select your sub issue `); // not displayed
return agent.add(`Select your sub issue `); // not displayed
for(const k of values){
agent.add(new Suggestion(`${k}`)); // not displayed
console.log(rej);**strong text**
intentMap.set('issuetype', issuetype);
intentMap.set('subtype', subtype);
Function subtype is called by intentMap, And inside it harry function returns a promise, once promise is resolved I am getting data from firebase and want to display it using agent.add Getting expected output in console.log but agent.add is blank Whereas agent.add is working in issuetype function
Part of the problem is that you're mixing Promises and callbacks, sometimes returning the Promise, and sometimes not. It is easiest if you keep a few guidelines in mind:
is inside the .then()
clause.Keep in mind that you don't need to wrap this into a new Promise, since the Firebase calls you're making return a Promise if you don't give it a callback function.
For example, your line
admin.database().ref('Support/issuesubtype/'+res).once('value', function(snap) {
should probably better be rewritten as
return admin.database().ref('Support/issuesubtype/'+res).once('value')
.then( snap => {
The important points here are that you're returning the Promise and you're using a Promise instead of a callback to handle the function.