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Use template to define sub-chart values with Helm

Use case

"I want to deploy elasticsearch + kibana, by using elastic official helm charts. I want to create a helm chart called data-viz with these charts as dependency."

Running helm install data-viz --set cluster=toto must create an elasticsearch cluster "toto", and a kibana configured with elasticsearchHosts = toto.


I see here it's possible to configure sub-chart from main-chart values.yml. But I would like templatize sub-chart values.yml from main-chart values.yaml, is it possible?

I was thinking to something simple as:

├── Chart.yaml
├── charts
│   ├── elasticsearch
│   │   ├── Chart.yaml
│   │   └── templates
│   │       └── values.yaml
│   ├── elasticsearch-7.4.0.tgz
│   └── kibana-7.4.0.tgz
├── requirements.lock
├── requirements.yaml
└── values.yaml

Hack solution

A small Python script that creates the values.yaml file from sub-chart/values-template.yaml + data.


  • TLDR: Not possible as of now, although there were several attempts to add such functionality that failed all of the committers to the project were unwilling to go through the additional bureaucracy required by the Helm project members.

    The PR 6876 "feat(helm): Adding values templates in order to customize values with go-template, for the chart and its dependencies" could be of interest:

    There have been many requests for a way to use templates for chart values.yaml (#2492, #2133, ...).
    The main reason being that it's currently impossible to derive the values of the subcharts from templates.

    However, having templates in values.yaml make them unparsable and create a "chicken or the egg" problem when rendering them.

    This merge request creates an intuitive solution without such a problem: an optional values/ directory which templates are rendered using values.yaml, and then merge them with it.
    Those values/ templates are only required for specific cases, work the same way as templates/ templates, and values.yaml will remain the main parsable source of value.

    The rendering order has also been changed to allow those new values to enable or disable dependencies, and to avoid rendering values templates of disabled dependencies.

    New possibilities:

    Can now customize dependencies values, which was previously totally impossible


        fullnameOverride: subchart-{{ .Relese.Name }}
        debug: {{ default "false" .Values.debug }}

    Can derive dependencies conditions from values


    - name: subchart
      condition: subchart.enabled


    {{- if eq .Values.environment "production" -}}
      enabled: true
    {{- else -}}
      enabled: false
    {{- end -}}

    Similarly, PR 8580 "Added support to pass values to sub-charts via map.yaml" is of interest

    This PR allows developers to declare a map.yaml file on their chart, which can be used to map values in values.yaml to derived values that are used in templating, including sub-charts (see #8576 for the long explanation).

    This allows developers to write e.g.

    apiVersion: v1
    description: Chart with map and subcharts
    name: chart-with-map
    version: 0.0.1
      - name: backend
        version: 0.0.1
      - name: frontend
        version: 0.0.1




      uri: {{ printf "https://api.%s" .Values.domain }}
      uri: {{ printf "https://app.%s" .Values.domain }}
    other_uri: {{ printf "https://blabla.%s" .Values.domain }}

    thereby not having to expose backend: uri, frontend: uri in values.yaml (for the subchart), nor ask chart users to have to pass the same value in multiple keys for consistency (or use global names that lead to naming collisions).

    I.e. it allows subcharts to be populated with derived (or maped) values without exposing these values to values.yaml (the public interface of the chart).

    This is being implemented/evaluated in:

    • PR 8677: "fix: limit the usage of chartutil.Values to avoid conversion bugs"
    • PR 8679: "fix: do not merge and import values from disabled dependencies"
    • PR 8690: "feat: add values templates to customize values with go-template"

    But that will likely require an HIP (Helm Improvement Proposal).

    Update Feb. 2021: PR 6876 confirms in this comment a formal proposal is needed.