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How to set default value in ngx-dropdown-list

What i want is on refresh the page i want to get the value from API and add as selected in the select list. Here the syntax

<ngx-dropdown-list (selectionChange)="onChange($event)"
                   [placeHolder]="'place holder of the drop-down list'"
                   [suffixText]="' suffix text'"

How i can the add the selected value from the list from component ts file?


  • I have analysis your issue and the solution is to add selected property should be set to true in your object.

    Kindly check this link

    optionItems = [
      {id: 'Max',     value: 'Max',     text: 'Maximum'},
      {id: 'Average', value: 'Average', text: 'Average'},
      {id: 'Sum',     value: 'Sum',     text: 'Total', selected:true},
      {id: 'Last',    value: 'Last',    text: 'Last'}