Search code examples

MYSQL search multiple condition in one column

| id | color     | shape      |
|  1 | green     | triangle   |
|  2 | green     | square     |
|  3 | blue      | rectangle  |
|  4 | white     | sphere     |
|  5 | yellow    | triangle   |

I want to get a result where row has multiple condition focusing in one column. Here is my code.

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE shape = 'triangle' and shape = 'square';

However, result should have the same value in column color. Is it possible to have a result as below?

| id | color     | shape      |
|  1 | green     | triangle   |
|  2 | green     | square     |


  • One option uses not exists:

    select t.*
    from mytable t
        shape in ('triangle', 'square')
        and exists (
            select 1
            from mytable t1
                t1.shape in ('triangle, 'square')
                and t1.color = t.color
                and t1.shape <> t.shape

    If you are running MySQL 8.0, you can also use window functions. Assuming that there are no duplicates in (color, shape) tuples:

    select id, color, shape
    from (
        select t.*, count(*) over(partition by color) cnt
        from mytable t
        where shape in ('triangle', 'square')
    ) t
    where cnt > 1