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Uninitialized constant Error using ActiveMerchant::Billing::EwayManagedGateway

I'm trying to get a small ruby file up and running to test how the EwayManagedGateway works.

I'm looking at using Eway to store a users credit card details so I don't need to store them in the site db.

Here is the documentation for EwayManagedGateway

I've created a simple ruby file to test this.

require "rubygems"
require "activemerchant"

ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test

gateway =
:login => '99999999',
:username => 'myusername',
:password => 'password'

I've based this code on what is supplied in the standard eway documentation which works.

Here's the output error

NameError: uninitialized constant ActiveMerchant::Billing::EwayManagedGateway
at top level    in managed_payments.rb at line 6
Program exited with code #1 after 0.26 seconds.

I'm running Rails 3 and activemerchant 1.12.1

Docs on github specific to eway_managed payments.


  • The cause of my problem was related to me using activemerchant gem 1.11.0. Once I upgraded my gem to 1.15.0 I didn't have the error any further.