I am new in java. I am working on a problem to fill the corral with snails which is out to pasture based on random swing direction. But output is not as expected.
package fill;
import java.util.Random;
public class FillTheCorral extends Gate {
public static final int sRANDOM_SEED=1234;
private static final int sMAX_GATES=4;
public static void main (String[] args) {
Random randomNumber=new Random(sRANDOM_SEED);
FillTheCorral mFillTheCorral=new FillTheCorral();
Gate[] corral=new Gate[sMAX_GATES];
for (int i=0; i<corral.length; i++) {
corral[i]=new Gate();
do {
mFillTheCorral.setCorralGates(corral , randomNumber);
} while (!mFillTheCorral.anyCorralAvailable(corral));
public void setCorralGates(Gate[] gate, Random selectDirection) {
System.out.println("Initial gate setup:");
for(int i=0;i<gate.length;i++){
int randDir = selectDirection.nextInt(3)-1;
System.out.println("Gate " + i + ": "+ randDir);
public boolean anyCorralAvailable(Gate[] corral) {
for(int i=0;i<corral.length;i++){
if(corral[i].getSwingDirection() == IN)
return true;
return false ;
class Gate {
public static final int OUT=-1;
public static final int IN=1;
public static final int CLOSED=0;
private static int mSwing;
public static
int getSwingDirection () {
return mSwing;
public static boolean setSwing (int dir) {
if (mSwing == IN) return true;
if (mSwing == OUT) return true;
if (mSwing == CLOSED) return true;
return false;
public int thru (int count) {
if (getSwingDirection() == IN) {
return +count;
} else if (getSwingDirection() == OUT) {
return -count;
} else {
return count;
Expected output : Initial gate setup: Gate 0: 1 Gate 1: 1 Gate 2: 1 Gate 3: -1
Actual output:
Initial gate setup: Gate 0: 1 Gate 1: 1 Gate 2: 1 Gate 3: -1
Initial gate setup: Gate 0: 1 Gate 1: -1 Gate 2: 0 Gate 3: 0
Initial gate setup: Gate 0: -1 Gate 1: 0 Gate 2: 0 Gate 3: 1
I am getting x3 times gate random direction.
Your problem is that in your Gate
class you defined the field mSwing
ands its getters/setters as static
. A static field only exists once per class, meaning all your 4 created Gate objects will share the same value for mSwing
instead of every gate having its own value for mSwing
For mor information please read: What does the 'static' keyword do in a class?
If you change the field to a normal non-static one you will get the output you expect:
private int mSwing;
public int getSwingDirection () {
return mSwing;
public boolean setSwing (int dir) {
if (mSwing == IN) return true;
if (mSwing == OUT) return true;
if (mSwing == CLOSED) return true;
return false;