I am new to maven, and am having trouble executing a plugin. Currently I have bound it to the package phase, but when I do mvn clean package, or mvn clean install, it is not being executed. However, when I call the plugin by name, it executes as it should. What have I misunderstood/what is wrong with my code?
<target name="UploadAndScan" description="Turns on debug symbols, logging. Cleans, builds, uploads binaries. Starts scan">
<!-- Call the Veracode wrapper to upload and scan -->
<java jar="${settings.localRepository}/com/veracode/vosp/api/wrappers/vosp-api-wrappers-java/" fork="true">
<arg line=" -action UploadAndScan -vid <vid> -vkey <vkey> -criticality High -createprofile false -createsandbox false -version ${project.artifactId}-${project.version} -appname <appname> -sandboxname <sandboxname> -filepath <fpath>"/>
This is the code that defines the plugin, located in the top-level pom.
Did you, by accident, put the plugin into <pluginManagement>
Then it will not be executed and you need to move it to <plugins>