I want to animate a div by first making it's border thicker by 5px on mouseenter, then decreasing the border by 5px on mouseleave, the tricky part is that I don't want the div to look like it's moving (if you just animate the borders, the whole div will look like it shifts, not just the border getting thicker/thinner). I'm very close, but I'm stuck on the last part: mouseleave. What I have so far is:
mouseenter: function(){
borderRightWidth: "25px",
borderTopWidth: "25px",
borderLeftWidth: "25px",
borderBottomWidth: "25px",
margin: "-5px"
}, 500);
mouseleave: function(){
borderRightWidth: "20px",
borderTopWidth: "20px",
borderLeftWidth: "20px",
borderBottomWidth: "20px",
margin: "0px"
}, 500);
I set the border to be 20px somewhere before this, and the margin is not set, so it's 0px. The div animates just fine on mouseenter, I can make the border thicker without the div actually moving out of place, but when the mouseleave is triggered, the div will first relocate itself to the position as if the "margin -5px" was never called, and then decrease it's border slowly and it seems like the "magin: '0px'" isn't actually being called.
I'm not sure if my description makes sense, I can put up a prototype if needed.
So I finally found my own answer. To reiterate what I wanted:
I achieved this by animating BOTH the margin and border at the same time, because if you just animate the border, then the whole div will shift. But if you decrease the margin at the same time as increasing the border, you get the illusion of the div standing still.
Simply, we have a circular div:
#somediv {
display: inline-block;
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
border: solid 0px;
vertical-align: middle;
border-radius: 2000px;
background-color: #ccc;
margin: 0px;
And with a JQuery function like:
$(this).animate({"borderLeftWidth" : "5px",
"borderRightWidth" : "5px",
"borderTopWidth" : "5px",
"borderBottomWidth" : "5px",
"marginLeft" : "-5px",
"marginTop" : "-5px",
"marginRight" : "-5px",
"marginBottom" : "-5px"
}, 300);
$(this).animate({"borderLeftWidth" : "0px",
"borderRightWidth" : "0px",
"borderTopWidth" : "0px",
"borderBottomWidth" : "0px",
"marginLeft" : "0px",
"marginTop" : "0px",
"marginRight" : "0px",
"marginBottom" : "0px"
}, 300);
We can achieve what we want.
Check out this fidddle as an example.
Now, another question up for debate is: We want to be able to only animate the border when the mouse is actually over the circular element inside the div, because if you mouseover the corners of the invisible div box, the circle will animate, but that's not what we want. I will post a link to how we can achieve this later.