I am trying to add a 'zoom to' button in a leaflet popup that will pan and zoom to the feature when clicked. I can't figure out exactly how to do this with the code below (I know I am massacring the code):
function getLoc(e){
// Load Mile Castles
success: function(response){
jsnParks = JSON.parse(response);
lyrParks = L.geoJSON(jsnParks,
{ pointToLayer: function(feature,latlng){return L.marker(latlng,{icon: redMarker});},
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
"<center><h4><b>"+feature.properties.full_name+"</b></h4></center>" +
"<button onclick= 'getLoc(e)'>Zoom</button>");
Replace your code with:
function getLoc(latlng){
var latlngStr = JSON.stringify([layer.getLatLng().lat,layer.getLatLng().lng]);
layer.bindPopup("<center><h4><b>"+feature.properties.full_name+"</b></h4></center>" +
"<button onclick= 'getLoc(\""+latlngStr+"\")'>Zoom</button>");
should be a variable but can not readed out because it is a string onclick='getLoc(e)'
never defined you should add your latlng to the function and not a event