I have a C++ Code as Following:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Enter your code for reversed_binary_value<bool...>()
int reversed_binary_value()
return 0;
template <bool i, bool... arg>
int reversed_binary_value()
int z=0;
return z;
return z+1;
template <int n, bool...digits>
struct CheckValues {
static void check(int x, int y)
CheckValues<n-1, 0, digits...>::check(x, y);
CheckValues<n-1, 1, digits...>::check(x, y);
template <bool...digits>
struct CheckValues<0, digits...> {
static void check(int x, int y)
int z = reversed_binary_value<digits...>();
std::cout << (z+64*y==x);
int main()
int t; std::cin >> t;
for (int i=0; i!=t; ++i) {
int x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
CheckValues<6>::check(x, y);
cout << "\n";
I am getting "no matching function for call to ‘reversed_binary_value(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool)" and then "template argument deduction/substitution failed:" This code is for the question on https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/cpp-variadics/problem so I can not change the locked code
The error in your code is calling reversed_binary_value()
that expect the boolean values a template parameters.
So you have to call it as follows
// ....................^......^^^
But now you have another problem: when the variadic pack args...
is empty, the call become
So you explicitly call a template function (the <>
), without template arguments, when your terminal reverse_binary_value()
int reversed_binary_value()
return 0;
isn't a template one.
I suggest you a dirty but useful trick: transform the terminal version in a template function that a accept something different from a value (maybe a type) and with a default argument; by example
template <typename = void>
int reversed_binary_value()
return 0;
This way the final empty list call
matches reverse_binary_value<void>()