I want to convert below JSON data to x-www-form-urlencoded format. How can do that in JavaScript? or else any online converter?
stripe_data: {
"type" : "card",
"billing_details" : {
"name" : "sample test",
"email" : "sampletest@gmail.com",
"phone" : "+61 76 253 4125",
"address" : {
"state" : "Melborne",
"country" : "Australia"
"card" : {
"number" : "4242424242424242",
"cvc" : "242",
"exp_month" : "01",
"exp_year" : "22"
I searched google but i didn't find any solution for this type of data (object into object).
I solved above problem using JavaScript package called qs
I am working in Nuxt.js and using npm so i give answer through that point
First install using npm run qs
then in your code import qs like import qs from 'qs'
then use where ever you want like qs.stringify(data)
// data - JSON format