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Implementation of the PackBits algorithm

I want to implement the PackBits algorithm.

The background is that I am writing some code for an ONVIF camera. I want to compress a pattern/string of 1's and 0's with PackBits, and I also want to decode an existing packed string.

JavaScript has my preference, but C, PHP or similar will do too.

I have been looking for some examples, but couldn't find any.

How can I implement the PackBits algorithm?


  • You can use the following pack/unpack functions. I added a demo with the example data on Wikipedia:

    const pack = s =>
        s.match(/(.)\1{1,127}|(?:(.)(?!\2)){1,128}/gs).map(s =>
            s[0] === s[1] ? String.fromCharCode(257-s.length) + s[0]
                          : String.fromCharCode(s.length-1) + s
    function unpack(s) {
        let res = "";
        let i = 0;
        while (i < s.length) {
            let hdr = s.charCodeAt(i++);
            res += hdr > 128 ? s[i++].repeat(257 - hdr)
                 : hdr < 128 ? s.slice(i, i += hdr+1)
                 : "";
        return res;
    const toHex = s => Array.from(s, c => c.charCodeAt().toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(" ");
    // Demo
    let s = "\xAA\xAA\xAA\x80\x00\x2A\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\x80\x00\x2A\x22\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA";
    let packed = pack(s);
    let unpacked = unpack(packed);
    console.log(s === unpacked ? "OK" : "Mismatch!");

    Note that the code on Wikipedia does not deal with the header value (128) according to the specification. A header value of 128, which as a signed byte is -128, should be skipped -- it has no payload.

    As you mentioned base64 encoding in comments: JavaScript has atob and btoa functions for that purpose.

    Without s flag, with a base64 encoded example

    If you don't have support for the s flag for regexes, then in the regex replace each . with [^].

    In this version I use that regular expression, and include an example that uses a base64 encoded string (the one you mention in comments):

    const pack = s =>
        s.match(/([^])\1{1,127}|(?:([^])(?!\2)){1,128}/g).map(s =>
            s[0] === s[1] ? String.fromCharCode(257-s.length) + s[0]
                          : String.fromCharCode(s.length-1) + s
    function unpack(s) {
        let res = "";
        let i = 0;
        while (i < s.length) {
            let hdr = s.charCodeAt(i++);
            res += hdr > 128 ? s[i++].repeat(257 - hdr)
                 : hdr < 128 ? s.slice(i, i += hdr+1)
                 : "";
        return res;
    const toHex = s => Array.from(s, c => c.charCodeAt().toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(" ");
    // Demo
    let base64encoded = "0P8A8A==";
    console.log("packed, base64 encoded input: ", base64encoded);
    let s = atob(base64encoded);
    console.log("base64 decoded: ", toHex(s));
    let unpacked = unpack(s);
    console.log("unpacked: ", toHex(unpacked));