I'm using the ImportJSON library in Google Sheets to parse JSON files. I have come across a very weird looking JSON doc that I am unsure about how to parse it. The JSON doc looks like this:
"draw": 2,
"recordsTotal": "80129",
"recordsFiltered": "3988",
"data": [
I am interested in getting the 0th index under /data
and the third item in that list (108.2221
Using a query of /data/0 in the function returns #REF
How can this be achieved in Google Spreadsheets using this lib?
You can instead create your own custom function:
function myCustomFunction(url,pos) {
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
const arr =JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
return arr['data'][0][pos-1];
and use it again as a formula.
For example, to get the 1st element:
or 3rd element:
as an argument. The json url needs to have
the structure you mentioned in the question.data