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Scala's Nothing vs partial unification

I would expect the following code to compile just fine:

trait Widen[M[_]] { def widen[A, B >: A](ma: M[A]): M[B] }

object Widen {
  implicit class Ops[M[_], A](ma: M[A]) {
    def widen[B >: A](implicit ev: Widen[M]): M[B] = ev.widen[A, B](ma)
  // implicit class OpsNothing[M[_]](ma: M[Nothing]) {
  //   def widen[B](implicit ev: Widen[M]): M[B] = ev.widen(ma)
  // }
  implicit val WidenList = new Widen[List] { def widen[A, B >: A](l: List[A]): List[B] = l }

import Widen._


List.empty[Nothing].widen[Int] // does not compile until uncommenting OpsNothing

But the last line does not compile. It seems to be related to partial unification because new Widen.Ops[List, Nothing](List.empty[Nothing]).widen[Int] does compile.

Now what's really weird is that if I uncomment the special case for Nothing then everything compiles.

I have no idea what's going on...

(This is using Scala 2.13.3)


  • Compiler doesn't like to infer Nothing while resolving implicits

    Failed implicit resolution for Nothing with <:<

    Another workaround besides OpsNothing is type Bottom

    type Bottom <: Nothing
    List.empty[Bottom].widen[Int] // compiles