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How to change file permission with API google drive

I tried to send the permission type field in the body (data ), but I have not been successful.

The documentation indicates: send on the body the permission and role.

Documentation Links:

I got this answer.

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "reason": "required",
    "message": "The permission type field is required.",
    "locationType": "other",
    "location": "permission.type"
  "code": 400,
  "message": "The permission type field is required."

This is the structure of my code, I will be grateful.

const file = this.file;

        var FileID = "16omyu1bxFk1tVVMrpIcYQDC3sNYxSIg2";

        const fr = new FileReader();
        fr.onload = function() {
          const boundary = "xxxxxxxxxx";
          let data = "--" + boundary + "\n";
          data += "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\n\n";
          data += JSON.stringify({role: "reader", type: "anyone"}) + "\n";
            type: "POST",
            beforeSend: function(request) {
                request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer" + " " + localStorage.getItem("accessToken"));
                request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "boundary=" + boundary); 
            url: "" + FileID + "/permissions",
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (error) {
            async: true,
            data: data,
            cache: false,
            processData: false,
            timeout: 60000


  • I believe your goal and situation as follows.

    • You want to create the permission as {role: "reader", type: "anyone"} using ajax.
    • Your access token can be used for creating the permissions using Drive API.

    Modification points:

    • In this case, JSON.stringify({role: "reader", type: "anyone"}) can be directly used like data: JSON.stringify({role: "reader", type: "anyone"}) of the request header.
    • Please use application/json as the content type of the request header.

    When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.

    Modified script:

    const boundary = "xxxxxxxxxx";
    let data = "--" + boundary + "\n";
    data += "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\n\n";
    data += JSON.stringify({role: "reader", type: "anyone"}) + "\n";
        type: "POST",
        beforeSend: function(request) {
            request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer" + " " + localStorage.getItem("accessToken"));
            request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "boundary=" + boundary); 
        url: "" + FileID + "/permissions",
        success: function (data) {
        error: function (error) {
        async: true,
        data: data,
        cache: false,
        processData: false,
        timeout: 60000
      type: "POST",
      beforeSend: function(request) {
        request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer" + " " + localStorage.getItem("accessToken"));
        request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); // Modified
      url: "" + FileID + "/permissions",
      success: function (data) {
      error: function (error) {
      async: true,
      data: JSON.stringify({role: "reader", type: "anyone"}), // Modified
      cache: false,
      processData: false,
      timeout: 60000
