My app has a WebView for UI and it notifies the backend code by using window.external.notify
public MainPage()
this.web.ScriptNotify += this.Web_ScriptNotify;
this.web.Navigate(new Uri("ms-appx-web:///index.html"));
private void Web_ScriptNotify(object sender, NotifyEventArgs e)
_ = this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(
async () =>
var d = new FileOpenPicker();
// Changing UI text is okay
this.lbl.Text = "Hello!";
// Crash here:
var file = await d.PickSingleFileAsync();
One of the command I want to do is to open a File Picker. However, it crashes with this exception System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'Unspecified error'
. I thought it is because I tried to open it from outside UI thread, so I run it in a Dispatcher already but it still happens.
What should I do?
It crashes because I didn't set FileTypeFilter, not because of the event. Adding this helps: