I wanna make two columns unique and i've created changelist with two addUniqueConstraint's cause when i try to list required columns within one addUniqueConstraint columnNames section it ins't worked.
So, i've specified addUniqueConstraint for "setSpec" column and second for "name" column, but constraint is applied only for "setSpec" column and i still have possibility to insert entity with duplicated name value. Also i've tried to rename column from "name" to "set_name" but behaviour has left the same.
So now i am confused about making both columns unique. Can anybady suggest a solution or maybe point out to my mistake cause i dont think such big library can have such simple defects. Thank you. But here is an interesting thing, when i leave only one addUniqueConstraint section then any one of specified columns get the constraint.
Here is my table:
<changeSet id="2020-07-07--16-00-create-set-table" author="Illia Daliek">
<createTable tableName="set">
<column name="id" type="uuid">
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false"/>
<column name="name" type="varchar(255)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="description" type="varchar(1024)"/>
<column name="setSpec" type="varchar(255)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="created_by_user_id" type="uuid"/>
<column name="created_date" type="timestamptz"/>
<column name="updated_by_user_id" type="uuid"/>
<column name="updated_date" type="timestamptz"/>
here is my try to add unique constraints
<changeSet id="rename-column" author="Illia Daliek">
<renameColumn tableName="set" oldColumnName="name" newColumnName="set_name"/>
<!--this one works fine-->
<changeSet id="2020-08-28--11-00-add-unique-constraint-to-set.set_spec-column " author="Illia Daliek">
<addUniqueConstraint columnNames="setSpec"
<!--this one doesn't work-->
<changeSet id="2020-08-28--11-00-add-unique-constraint-to-set.name-column " author="Illia Daliek">
<addUniqueConstraint columnNames="set_name"
Give another constraintName
to the second constraint. I don't think you can have two contraints with identical Names on a table