There is a signal named 'A' which counts from 0 to 20 of a specified occurrence. The signal will reset to 0 after it counts 20. The time interval between each occurrence is 20 ms. I need to monitor this signal A for 200 times. Whenever the counter skips a value ,say for example: 0,1,4,5..20 ,I need to to store that particular instance. Is there anyway to do this? Is there any commands in CAPL to catch the value of the counter signal A whenever it changes.?
When running in a test node there are several methods available for reacting on signals.
Their names all start with testWaitForSignal
. You can simply check CANoe's documentation for details.
For your particular use case, you could use
testWaitForSignalMatch(<signal>, <expectedValue>, 20)
The call will return latest after 20ms. The return value will either be 1
, which means the signal had the expected value within 20ms or 0
, which means the signal did not have the expected value within 20ms.
When running in a simulation/measurement node, there is no possibility to wait, as that would block the simulation.
What you can do in these nodes is to create an event handler like
on signal_change <signal>
In this event handler you can access the value of the signal by using $<signal>
The current timestamp can be gotten with a call to timeNowNS()
Using this information you could implement your logic in a simulation node.