In my struts.xml file I'm redirecting to a particular jsp from an action. Actualy this is what happens there.
<action name="redirectingToAction" class="sm.Login">
<result name="success" type="redirectAction">
<param name="actionName">redirectToJsp</param>
<param name="namespace">/</param>
<param name="page">somepage</param>
<action name="redirectToJsp">
<result >redirectedPage.jsp</result>
The problem is when i redirect the paramer I'm passing appears in the addressbar of the browser. http://localhost:8084/myaplication/redirectToJsp?page=somepage
This is like in html get method. Is thereany way to send this parameter invisibly? like in html post method?
You might want to use UrlRewriteFilter, more info you can find here