I am trying to create a runtime lambda function of an arbitrary type, that collects the arguments, that were supplied to it, in a list of objects and passes them to another method of type void Method(List<object> list)
to process them. I wrote this code, but got really confused with the result:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace LambdaTest
class LambdaCreator
ParameterExpression[] Parameters;
int Index = 0;
public ParameterExpression Next()
return Parameters[Index++];
public void ResetIndex()
Index = 0;
public void Bar(List<object> parameters)
foreach (var p in parameters)
public void PrintType(object arg)
public T CreateLambda<T>() where T : class
var barMethod = GetType().GetMethod("Bar");
Parameters = typeof(T).GetMethod("Invoke")
.Select(x => Expression.Parameter(x.ParameterType))
var parametersCount = Expression.Constant(Parameters.Length);
var listType = typeof(List<object>);
var list = Expression.Variable(listType);
var index = Expression.Variable(typeof(int));
var thisObject = Expression.Constant(this);
var resetIndex = GetType().GetMethod("ResetIndex");
var next = GetType().GetMethod("Next");
var printType = GetType().GetMethod("PrintType");
var add = listType.GetMethod("Add");
var breakLabel = Expression.Label();
var block = Expression.Block(
new ParameterExpression[] { list, index },
Expression.Call(thisObject, printType, Parameters.FirstOrDefault()),
Expression.Call(thisObject, resetIndex),
Expression.Assign(list, Expression.New(listType)),
Expression.IfThen(Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(index, parametersCount), Expression.Break(breakLabel)),
Expression.Call(list, add, Expression.Call(thisObject, next)),
Expression.AddAssign(index, Expression.Constant(1))
Expression.Call(thisObject, barMethod, list)
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(typeof(T), block, Parameters);
var compiledLambda = lambda.Compile() as T;
return compiledLambda;
class Program
delegate void Foo(string a, int b);
static void Main(string[] args)
var test = new LambdaCreator();
var l = test.CreateLambda<Foo>();
l("one", 2);
The output of the program was:
I was expecting to get:
Somehow I lose the values of the arguments when I put them in a list and pass it to the Bar
Can someone tell me where is the problem I how can I fix it. Or is there another way to collect the arguments and pass them through? I'm really new to this expression trees stuff. Thanks in advance!
You can create a NewArrayExpression
using the Parameters
array while constructing the lambda function, prior to the Expression.Loop
block, and modify the calling code to access the array, like so:
// Declare a paramArray parameter to use inside the Expression.Block
var paramArray = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object[]), "paramArray");
var block = Expression.Block(
new ParameterExpression[] { list, index, paramArray }, // pass in paramArray here
Expression.Call(thisObject, printType, Parameters.FirstOrDefault()),
Expression.Call(thisObject, resetIndex),
Expression.Assign(list, Expression.New(listType)),
/* Assign the array - make sure to box value types using Expression.Convert */
Parameters.Select(p => Expression.Convert(p, typeof(object))))),
Expression.IfThen(Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(index, parametersCount), Expression.Break(breakLabel)),
//Expression.Call(list, add, Expression.Call(thisObject, next)),
Expression.Call(list, add, Expression.ArrayIndex(paramArray, index)), // use the paramArray here
Expression.AddAssign(index, Expression.Constant(1))
Expression.Call(thisObject, barMethod, list)
The rest is unchanged - this code replaces the var block = ...
statement entirely. Works as you specified.