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Can't run Lightning Testing Service (LTS) for Salesforce

I have been using SFDX to automate Salesforce development for a little while now with Teamcity. SFDX doesn't always provide the best error messages but the documentation is usually very helpful. Well, or so I thought, until I started working with LTS. Here's the documentation to install LTS - I have read the docs and followed the instructions but I cannot get LTS to work for me. I am able to create a scratch org, and install LTS but I am not able to run the tests.

sfdx force:lightning:test:run -a The following command allows you to run the sample Jasmin test. Whenever I try that command I get the following error: ERROR running force:lightning:test:run: Unable to connect to selenium. In the documentation, it doesn't specify the server requiring selenium.

Although the docs don't mention anything about selenium, I have tried downloading selenium-standalone-chrome. I tried running selenium/standalone-chrome as a docker container. But it doesn't work.

Links tried:

Please help, I have tried almost everything.


  • Updating the answer in case anyone ever runs into this issue... I got it to work! It turns out that the link I shared above was helpful after all LINK:

    1. I had to add a variable SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub/ to TeamCity
    2. And create a docker-compose.yml to start up selenium/standalone-chrome:latest
    version: "3"
        image: selenium/standalone-chrome:latest
          - "4444:4444"