Salesforce User with a certain profile can only delete contact base on Account.field__c and the user.field__c is the same.
do you guys have any ideas on how to do this. I need the user to delete a record if the contact records Account.field__c is the same as the users field__c. I have tried a validation rule:
I also give the user's profile a delete access on the contact object.
$Profile.Name = "HA Customer Care - External/Agents",
$Profile.Name = "HA Customer Care - Internal"
TEXT($User.ps_BookingOfficeID__c) != Account.ps_BookingOffice__r.Name
Validation rules don't fire on delete, only insert/update. You need a before delete
trigger. Or flow.
Something like this (except this is just for answer purposes, a proper "pro" solution would have a separate trigger handler class)
trigger ContactTrigger on Contact(before delete){
if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isDelete){
public static void validateDeletes(List<Contact> contacts){
User u = [SELECT Profile.Name, ps_BookingOfficeID__c
WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
// These 2 profiles need extra checks when deleting.
// Anybody else can delete whatever they need.
Set<String> restricted = new Set<String>('HA Customer Care - External/Agents', 'HA Customer Care - Internal');
Map<Id, Account> accs = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id
FROM Account
SELECT AccountId
FROM Contact
WHERE Id IN :contacts
AND ps_BookingOffice__r.Name != :u.ps_BookingOfficeID__c]);
for(Contact c : contacts){
if(c.AccountId == null){
c.addError('You can\'t delete this private contact because we can\'t determine which office they would belong to');
} else if(accs.containsKey(c.AccountId){
c.addError('This contact does not belong to your office');