I have the following code:
let fireball; //global variable
fireball = document.createElement("img") //variable on local
fireballArray.push(someFunction(fireball, {
src: "img.png", width: "38" }))
fireball.style.display = "none" //global variable
My objective is that fireball = document.createElement("img")
can be styled (in this case, hidden)
However, document.createElement("img")
does not hide. Any help? Thanks
Warning: fireball = document.createElement("img")
this variable must remain on local scope and style.display: none must be on another scope (as seen on code)
When you create your img:
function myFunction() {
var fireball = document.createElement("img");
fireball.setAttribute("src", "img_pulpit.jpg");
fireball.setAttribute("width", "304");
fireball.setAttribute("height", "228");
fireball.setAttribute("alt", "The Pulpit Rock");
fireball.setAttribute("id", "UniqId"); // It is important to set an uniq ID
Then to apply the set, get the Element by Id getElementById
function myFunction2() {
var fireball = document.getElementById("UniqId");
fireball.setAttribute("style", "display:none; border:3px solid red;");
You can try with w3C demo : https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_img_create