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How to give a description to an alias defined in mix.exs?

When I define an alias in the mix.exs and run mix help, it just shows its description as "Alias defined in mix.exs".

Suppose, for example, I have this mix.exs:

  defp aliases do
      play: "run --no-halt"

Then, the mix help command displays task list like this:

mix local.rebar       # Installs Rebar locally
mix new               # Creates a new Elixir project
mix play              # Alias defined in mix.exs
mix profile.cprof     # Profiles the given file or expression with cprof
mix profile.eprof     # Profiles the given file or expression with eprof

How can I give a description to the play task?


  • The output from mix help comes from the @shortdoc attribute in a custom mix task

    defmodule Mix.Tasks.Play do
      use Mix.Task
      @shortdoc "run with --no-halt"
      @impl Mix.Task
      def run(_) do"run", ["--no-halt"])
    mix help | grep "mix play"
    mix play                  # run with --no-halt

    I don't think there is a way to add help docs for aliases.