I want to validate a string against a set of values using annotations.
What I want is basically this:
String dataType;
int maxValue;
int minValue;
int precision;
@ValidateString(values={"String","Boolean", "Integer"})
String dataType;
int maxValue;
int minValue;
int precision;
I also want to do some validation on other variables depending upon the value set in dataType
if (dataType = "String") {
// maxValue, minValue, precision all should be null or zero
I can't think of a way to achieve this by custom annotations.
Somebody please help me.
This is what I did.
public @interface ValidateString {
String[] acceptedValues();
String message() default "{uk.dds.ideskos.validator.ValidateString.message}";
Class<?>[] groups() default { };
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default { };
Validation Class
public class StringValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ValidateString, String>{
private List<String> valueList;
public void initialize(ValidateString constraintAnnotation) {
valueList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String val : constraintAnnotation.acceptedValues()) {
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
return valueList.contains(value.toUpperCase());
And i used it like
@ValidateString(acceptedValues={"Integer", "String"}, message="Invalid dataType")
String dataType;
Long maxValue;
Long minValue;
Now I need to figure out how to implement conditional check ie. if String then maxValue and minValue should be null or Zero..
Any ideas?