I need to read a List that has two properties, one is an ID int, the other is string. After I get the values into the list I don't know how to break them down to the the IDs and name string one by one.
This is what I've got:
private async void UpdatePisterosLocal(List<Pisteros> PisterosLista)
PisterosDBController pistDB = new PisterosDBController();
Pisteros_Local pistLocal = new Pisteros_Local();
//this is my code trying to read the list PisterosLista
foreach (string element in PisterosLista)
pistLocal.IDPistero = //don't know what to write here
pistLocal.PisteroN = //and here
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
This how I finally did it
foreach (var item in PisterosLista)
var DatosRegistro = new T_Pisteros
PisteroID = item.PisteroID,
PisteroN = item.PisteroN
var num = db.Insert(DatosRegistro); //insert into new DB