I'm passing renderProps function in the props. i want to wrap it with useCallback, so the optimised child component will no re-render on the function creation.
when wrapping the function with useCallback i get this error:
Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
- You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
- You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
- You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
none of the above applies to my situation.
renderCell = React.useCallback((
) => {
const { localeToggle } = this.state;
const { weekStarter, isTimeShown } = this.props;
const eventsListPopperStyle = utils.isWeekFirst(time, weekStarter) ||
utils.isWeekSecond(time, weekStarter) ? { left: '-17% !important' } : { left: '17% !important' };
return (
}, [])
Because hooks doesn't work inside class components, the error was thrown. I managed to find a work around by providing the second parameter for the React.memo. in the function i provided, i compare the prevProps and nextProps, and when the prop is a function i disregard it and return true. it might not work for everyone because sometime the function do change, but for situations when it's not, it's ok.
const equalizers = {
object: (prevProp, nextProp) => JSON.stringify(prevProp) === JSON.stringify(nextProp),
function: () => true, // disregarding function type props
string: (prevProp, nextProp) => prevProp === nextProp,
boolean: (prevProp, nextProp) => prevProp === nextProp,
number: (prevProp, nextProp) => prevProp === nextProp,
export const areEqualProps = (prevProps, nextProps) => {
for (const prop in prevProps) {
const prevValue = prevProps[prop];
const nextValue = nextProps[prop];
if (!equalizers[typeof prevValue](prevValue, nextValue)) { return false; }
return true
export default React.memo(MyComponent, areEqualProps)