I want to implement pagination to show a chunk of list of my desire item view in my app. That's why I choose to use Google newly released paging library i.e Paging library 3. I use Rxjava, Livedata, and ViewModel in my app. After implementing the paging library, I am facing a weird problem. When I call the method for fetching list, it's calling again and again and not stopped calling the call. In fact, it automatically increases the page number although I did not scroll the list. Here is the code I tried
interface JobListRestApi {
fun getJobResponse(
@Query("page") pageNumber: Int
): Single<Response<JobResponse>>
class JobListDataSource @Inject constructor(
private val jobListRestApi: JobListRestApi
): RxPagingSource<Int, Job>() {
override fun loadSingle(params: LoadParams<Int>): Single<LoadResult<Int, Job>> {
val position = params.key ?: 1
return jobListRestApi.getJobResponse(position).toSingle()
.map { jobResponse -> jobResponse.jobData.jobs }
.map { jobs -> toLoadResult(jobs, position) }
.onErrorReturn { LoadResult.Error(it) }
private fun toLoadResult(data: ArrayList<Job>, position: Int): LoadResult<Int, Job> {
val prevKey = if (position == 1) null else position-1
val nextKey = if (position == data.size) null else position+1
return LoadResult.Page(data, prevKey, nextKey)
class JobListRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
private val jobListDataSource: JobListDataSource
): JobListRepository {
override fun getJobs(): Flowable<PagingData<Job>> {
return Pager(PagingConfig(pageSize = 20)) {
class JobListViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val jobListRepository: JobListRepository
): BaseViewModel() {
val jobs: MutableLiveData<PagingData<Job>> = MutableLiveData()
fun getJobs() {
if (jobs.value == null) {
compositeDisposable += jobListRepository.getJobs()
jobs.value = it
}, {
class JobListFragment : BaseFragment<JobListViewModel>() {
private val jobAdapter: JobAdapter by lazy {
JobAdapter { }
override fun getLayoutResource() = R.layout.fragment_job_list
override fun initWidget() {
job_recycler_view.adapter = jobAdapter
override fun onResume() {
override fun observeLiveData() {
observe(viewModel.jobs) {
jobAdapter.submitData(lifecycle, it)
And the output log is https://base-url/job/list?page=1
how can I stop calling serial api unless I go to the last item of the chunk in RecyclerView and scroll the list
Eventually, I got the error. In fact, the problem was in my Http response Data. The updated DataSource is given bellow
class JobListDataSource @Inject constructor(
private val jobListRestApi: JobListRestApi
): RxPagingSource<Int, Job>() {
override fun loadSingle(params: LoadParams<Int>): Single<LoadResult<Int, Job>> {
val position = params.key ?: 1
return jobListRestApi.getJobResponse(position).toSingle()
.map { jobResponse -> jobResponse.jobData }
.map { jobData -> toLoadResult(jobData, position) }
.onErrorReturn { LoadResult.Error(it) }
private fun toLoadResult(data: JobData, position: Int): LoadResult<Int, Job> {
val prevKey = if (position == 1) null else position-1
val nextKey = if (data.hasMore) position+1 else null
return LoadResult.Page(data.jobs, prevKey, nextKey)