I'm trying to define custom characters on thermal printer NCR 7199. I used ESC/POS command
ESC & y c1 c2 x d1...dn
and it works fine. But this command can change only characters in range 32-126, and those characters are latin letters and common symbols.
I'd prefer to replace characters with codes 8E-8F, for example, but cannot do it using this command.
Is it possible? Or is there any other ESC/POS command for user-defined characters?
UPD. It seems like a firmware update can fix this problem. Firmware version on our printer is v99.21, and I saw this in release notes:
v99.25 "based on v99.24"
1. Allowed User-defined characters defined range from 20H to FFH in 7199 Emulation mode
Problem solved by updating firmware.
After updating "Main Firmware" to v99.27 (it seems that version must be greater or equal v99.25) and changing Emulation mode to "NCR 7199" I was finally able to define characters in all range 20-FF.