How do I convert html string (with a lot of tags etc.) into plain text in React? Any npm module maybe?
I haven't found any methods for converting html string to plain text. I need this because I want to save a text file edited in Ckeditor 5 as a plain text file, but Ckeditor 5 manages data in html or markdown format.
You can write your own piece of code to make that happen, no library needed.
var htmlString = "<h1><b>test</b></h1>";
var plainString = htmlString.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '');
console.log(plainString ); // you will have your plain text
function getText(html){
var divContainer= document.createElement("div");
divContainer.innerHTML = html;
return divContainer.textContent || divContainer.innerText || "";
var yourString= "<div><h1>Hello World</h1>\n<p>We are in SOF</p></div>";